Women, Wisdom & Dreams:
The light of the feminine soul
In this elegant and practical guide on feminine wisdom and dreams, Anne Scott leads us into a deepening relationship with our dream world, not only to help us understand its personal significance, but also to use the insights we uncover there to help heal our world.
Asking us to cultivate a courageous attentiveness to our inner lives, Anne provides valuable tools for restoring the link between feminine spirituality and social change. Reclaiming the language of dreams, practicing states of inner attentiveness and stillness in our busy lives, and gathering in groups to share from a deeper place offer rich ways to reconnect to the love, joy and creativity that are our birthright and contribution to life.
Published by Nicasio Press, 2008.
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"From my first read, Anne Scott's Women, Wisdom and Dreams moved me so deeply that I ordered 15 copies to share with women friends. (I've never done that before). Now, I return to this beautiful, slender book with curiosity and wonder, savoring chapters at random. Like remembering a potent dream, I find myself, here in the vibration of Anne's book, recognizing my own woman's journey in it's many subtle layers of meaning.
Anne understands, as she says, "A woman's way of working with life." The spaces between her words seem to breathe. I pause often, re-reading pages, absorbing their resonance. I know I will come here again.
At the well-spring of wisdom that flows from the deep ground of women's dreams, Anne Scott offers us a ladel, saying: "Drink, this is for you." I am so grateful.
~ Kristina Turner
Author, The Self-Healing Cookbook
“Anne Scott has created a most precious jewel whose facets will illumine many of the griefs and longings that women bear and give them courage. Each dream bears a message; each carries hope for the future and to give out this gift, this symposium, to the world is really wonderful. It will help many women to find and trust their authentic voice.”
- ~ Anne Baring
- Author, The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image
“I found Anne’s book very simple and insightful, full of the clarity that is needed to help people access the wisdom that is within them.”
- ~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Ph.D.
- Sufi teacher and author:
- The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul;
- Awakening the World; Spiritual Power. www.goldensufi.org
“Women, Wisdom, and Dreams is written from the feminine soul. Its message awakens the heart’s longing for recognition and connection and opens an inner spaciousness where the feminine soul in all of us, regardless of gender, shines, waiting to be invited to share its wisdom. This is a book to read for guidance upon waking and for inviting dreams before sleeping. Imbibe it slowly, savor one dream at a time.”
~ Peggy Tabor Millin
Author, Women, Writing, and Soul-Making: Creativity and the Sacred Feminine