04 Dec

When Women's Hearts are Open...

Over the years I have had many dreams of the work of the feminine, dreams like seeds that carried an energy, a potential. I found the dreams couldn't remain separate from my life; I had to learn how to live them. This energy pushed on my shoulders, so to speak, insistent that I listen, and then live their wisdom. 

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23 Apr

I rise and greet You...

For me, the day begins before the sun rises. It is a time I love, a time when I am alone, and the world begins anew. I usually open the window to listen. A bird sings a single note, a few houses away.

There is something that goes on in this moment before dawn, a deep relatedness that takes place.

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07 Mar

Communion with Heart and Soul

Listening...perhaps this is the most important time to listen. Listening inwardly as well as to our outer lives and life around us. This listening allows us to hear the heartbeat of our daily actions. If we do not work at this depth, the foundation of anything that we do will not hold.

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21 Nov

Finding Strength in the Silence

Over and over in our lives, when we sit quietly, in the night or during a brief moment in the day, there is always this question: where do we put our attention? Holding this question, we can become receptive to an inner response. It is how the feminine works. We listen.

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20 Sep

The Light of Wisdom

How is it that in our deepest time of need, there comes a light of wisdom that helps us to see in the darkness? To see where our attention needs to be. To remember what is sacred in the midst of tumult.

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18 Apr

Once there was a seed...

We sit in circle... six women who are homeless and living in shelters, a colleague and myself. After a silent meditation, I offer a writing exercise that begins with the words, Once there was a seed….

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16 Nov

The Way of Women

I returned from the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions in Salt Lake City last month. Over 9000 people from 80 countries attended.  Walking through the vast complex where hundreds of workshops and gatherings were taking place, I remembered a dream shared by a friend nearly a decade ago. In her dream she heard these words, spoken by her teacher: When enough people come together, the world will change.

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28 Aug

Wisdom Surrounds Us

Always, life calls to us, speaks to us, if we can hear. Life, this living organism, has its own wisdom. I have heard in women’s dreams that there is a way we can be part of that wisdom, directly affecting the life around us. And one of the ways that women can help life is through trust in the unseen, the inner, the soul.

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07 Jul

Caring for the Sacred

How do we care for the sacred in life? Many years ago, when I was experiencing certain difficulties, I had a dream. In the dream, a male singer tells me, “I hear that you are not in love with life. You have only one life, you know. You need to love life. Even the mistakes. All of it.” And this created a huge shift in my consciousness.

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08 Aug

An Undiscovered Landscape

I am deeply familiar with the beautiful side of devotion. What has been unfamiliar to me is the fierce side. One night, I experienced this other side of devotion in a dream.

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